Role of Single Balloon Enteroscopy in Patients with suspected Small Bowel Disease


  • Manjunath Assistant Professor, Department of Gastroenterology, M S Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore, India
  • Kilari Mounika Consultant Gastroenterologist, KM Gastro Center, Whitefield, Bangalore, India
  • Mandalapu Narendra Babu Serior Resident, Department of Gastroenterology, M S Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore, India
  • B S Satyaprakash Professor and HOD, Department of Gastroenterology, M S Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore, India


Small bowel disease, Single balloon enteroscopy, abdominal pain, gastrointestinal haemorrhage, Crohn’s disease.


Back ground: Single Balloon Enteroscopy (SBE) is a novel method of balloon assisted enterosocpy which allows deeper intubation of small bowel and has therapeutic potentials in addition to establishing a diagnosis. The current study was carried out to study the spectrum of various diseases involving the small bowel and study its role of therapeutic intervention. Material and Methods: This is a cross-sectional study conducted in the Department of Medical Gastroenterology, M S Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore. A total of 80 patients were included in the study with suspected small bowel disease.Results: A total of 80 patients have undergone entreroscopy procedures. Approach was per oral in 41.25%, per rectal in 27.5% and both in 31.25%. The predominant presenting symptoms were pain abdomen in 75%, loose stools in 27% and suspected GI bleed in 25%. Positive findings on CT Abdomen were seen in 40%. Enteroscopy showed Ileal lesions in 26.25%, Jejunal lesions in 23.75%, GIST in 3.75% and Dielafoy’s lesion in 2.5%. Compiling Jejunal&Ileal findings Crohn’s diseases was seen in 57.5%. Interventions performed in 13.75% and were CRE dilatation in 5%, APC in 3.75%, Hemoclips in 3.75% and EVL in 1.25%. The overall diagnostic yield was 64% and diagnostic yield for pain abdomen was 61.76%, loose stools was 62.9%, vomiting was 77.77%, weight loss was 86.66%, suspected crohn’s was 68.25% and Abnormal CT findings was 71.87%.Conclusion: SBE appears to be safe and effective method for diagnosis and treatment of small bowel diseases. It demonstrates a high diagnostic yield, avoids cumbersome surgeries and provides easy way of performing therapeutic interventions even in the deeper loops of the small bowel.




How to Cite

Manjunath, Kilari Mounika, Mandalapu Narendra Babu, & B S Satyaprakash. (2021). Role of Single Balloon Enteroscopy in Patients with suspected Small Bowel Disease. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research, 4(13), 342–346. Retrieved from