Status of lung functions in buffing polishing workers and the impact of yogic regimen on their pulmonary health
Buffing polishing workers, automobile industry, pulmonary functions, yoga, pranayama.Abstract
Background: The metal buffers & polishers in automobile industry are exposed to inhalation of air borne metal dust. Deposition of this metal dust in respiratory tract, in due course of time, can cause obstructive, restrictive or combined respiratory disease. Aims and Objectives: Yoga and pranayama may play an impressive role in improving the pulmonary functions and facilitating gas diffusion at the alveolo-capillary membrane. This study was aimed to record the pulmonary function tests (PFTs) in buffing polishing workers of an automobile industry before and after 12 weeks of yoga regimen. Materials and Methods: 35 male subjects of the age group of 25-40 years working on buffing polishing machine for 4-6 hours/day, 6 days in a week for more than 2 years were selected as subjects from an automobile industry. PFTs were carried out on all the subjects at the onset of the study and after12 weeks of subjecting them to a standardized yogic regimen. PFT parameters were analysed between group and with controls by ANOVA followed by Tukey’s Test. Results: Significant improvement was seen in slow vital capacity, forced vital capacity, peak expiratory flow rate, maximum voluntary ventilation, and DLCO after following yogic regimen. FEV1, and FEV1% also showed a trend towards improvement in buffing polishing workers. Conclusions: Yoga and pranayama breathing exercises can improve the lung functions of the industrial workers. These can be encouraged as a part of their routine schedule as it can reduce absenteeism by improving their health.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Ankur Sethi, Asha Yadav, Nilima Shankar
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