Knowledge, attitude and practice related to diabetes mellitus among general public


  • Movva Thrinatha Sai Bharghav House Surgeon, Department of General Medicine, Mediciti Institute of Medical Sciences, Ghanpur Village, Medchal Mandal, Telangana, India
  • T Rahul Reddy House Surgeon, Department of General Medicine, Mediciti Institute of Medical Sciences, Ghanpur Village, Medchal Mandal, Telangana, India
  • Sindhu Kondaveeti House Surgeon, Department of General Medicine, Mediciti Institute of Medical Sciences, Ghanpur Village, Medchal Mandal, Telangana, India
  • Sangam Anurag Reddy House Surgeon, Department of General Medicine, Mediciti Institute of Medical Sciences, Ghanpur Village, Medchal Mandal, Telangana, India
  • Nakkala Supraja House Surgeon, Department of General Medicine, Mediciti Institute of Medical Sciences, Ghanpur Village, Medchal Mandal, Telangana, India


Diabetes Mellitus, knowledge, attitude, physical activity,


Background: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is a severe problem, which results in premature death and is a global epidemic. It can be prevented by changing the attitude, practices and bringing awareness towards the disease in the population. Aim: This study was conducted to evaluate knowledge, attitude and practice related to diabetes among general public in India. Materials and Methods: This study is a cross-sectional study and was carried out in health center in Telangana during the period 30 th March 2019 to 31 st March 2020. The sample size was 100. By convenience sampling from the outpatient department of the health centre, 100 patients were selected after considering inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: 100 patients were involved in the study who were outpatients attending the health centre. 45% of patients were 18-35 years old, and 55% of patients were 36-65 years old. 58% were males, and 42% were females. 87% were aware of the organs which get damaged due to diabetes. 55% of patients were aware that the heart is affected, 85% of patients were aware that the kidney was affected, and 40% were aware that brain was affected by diabetes. Patients were aware of risk factors for diabetes mellitus namely obesity (70%), decreased physical activity (80%), family history of diabetes mellitus (65%), mental stress (62%) and consumption of sweets (93%) were aware was the causes of Diabetes mellitus. All patients were aware that diet control would keep blood sugar under normal levels. Conclusion: It is essential for health organisations to create more awareness through programs among the people towards T2DM as the high knowledge was not aligning with the attitude and practice towards the disease.




How to Cite

Movva Thrinatha Sai Bharghav, T Rahul Reddy, Sindhu Kondaveeti, Sangam Anurag Reddy, & Nakkala Supraja. (2021). Knowledge, attitude and practice related to diabetes mellitus among general public. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research, 4(20), 390–393. Retrieved from