Cutaneous and Ocular Menifestations of Herpes Zoster Opthalmicus: A Hospital Based Study


  • Jyothi N Sanganal Associate Professor, Department of ophthalmology, ESIC Medical College & Hospital, Gulbarga, India
  • Nagaratna C Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology, ESIC Medical College & Hospital, Gulbarga, India
  • Manish K Associate Professor, Gulbarga Institute of Medical Sciences, Gulbarga, India


Background: Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus (HZO) occurs due to reactivation of latent varicella zoster virus within the gasserian ganglion involving the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve. HZO often has a chronic course with significant ocular morbidity as eye is considered potentially serious of all sites of herpes zoster owing to its delicate nature. AIM: A hospital-based epidemiology study to describe skin and ocular changes in herpes zoster ophthalmicus (HZO), its prevalence and risk factors. Material and Methods: A Retrospective analysis of patients seen in the ESICMC,KALABURGI from September 2019 to September 2021 with a clinical diagnosis of HZO. They were subjected to a detailed general and ocular examination and were treated medically with close follow Results: A total 38 patients with HZO were included in the study. Which is 10% of the total cases of herpes zoster. The mean age of onset( 23-80) was 65. Most patients were immune competent (83%) and presented on day 2 day 5 of illness. Male had more prevalence than females . Majority had initial presentation of vesicles, (70)%followed by pain. Eye manifestation was observed in 68% of the individual. Conjunctiva (60%) was the most common ocular structure involved followed by Cornea (45%). Anterior uveitis (20%) was complicated by hemorrhagic uveitis and orbital apex syndrome with total external ophthalmoplegia. Post herpetic neuralgia was the commonest complication seen . Conclusions: This study highlights the prevalence of HZO, presentation,risk factors, course of the disease and its ocular involment. .The potential manifestations of HZO are myriad. Development of serious inflammatory complications was associated with delay in therapy. Hence timely diagnosis and management are critical in limiting ocular morbidity.




How to Cite

Jyothi N Sanganal, Nagaratna C, & Manish K. (2022). Cutaneous and Ocular Menifestations of Herpes Zoster Opthalmicus: A Hospital Based Study. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research, 5(3), 9–13. Retrieved from