Comparative study of serum cholesterol, bilirubin, calcium and phosphorous in different types of gallstones, age and sex


  • Ramaswami B Assistant Professor, Department of General Surgery, Mamata Medical College, Khammam, Telangana, India
  • Nataraj Kumar Assistant Professor, Department of General Surgery, Mamata Medical College, Khammam, Telangana, India
  • Rakesh Shaganti Postgraduate, Department of General Surgery, Mamata Medical College, Khammam, Telangana, India
  • A.Anusha Postgraduate, Department of General Surgery, Mamata Medical College, Khammam, Telangana, India




Aims and Objective: To study the variables, i.e., Serum cholesterol, bilirubin, calcium and phosphorous in relation to age and sex in gallstone diseases. Study design: Cross-sectional observational study, Place and duration of study, Mamata Medical College and General Hospital, Khammam from October 2017 to September 2019. Materials and methods: Patients in whom the presence of gallstones was confirmed by ultrasound abdomen were included in this study. A series of 50 patients were compiled for the present study during this time, after obtaining clearance from ethical committee. Results: In the present study, mean age of the study group was 44.4 years, ranging from 17 to 76 years. The commonest age group in the study was middle 31-50 years, followed by 51-60 years. Among 50 cases, 41 (82%) were females and 9 (18%) were males with male to female ratio of 1:4.5. Representing the majority of the study population were females. Out of these 3 cases two were pigmented, one was cholesterol stone. But Chi-square statistic at 0.866 with P value of 0.64. Out of 41 female patients in the present study, 10 had a history of OCP use at some point in their life. Among them 5, 4, 1 patients had pigment, cholesterol and mixed stones. Mean serum bilirubin value was more among pigmented stone group (1.069 mg/dl) as compared to mixed (0.850 mg/dl) and cholesterol group (0.6 mg/dl). Mean serum calcium value was more among pigmented stone group (8.962 mg/dl) as compared to mixed (8.6 mg/dl) and cholesterol group (8.627 mg/dl).Serum phosphorous value was more among pigmented stone group (4.041 mg/dl) as compared to mixed (3.790 mg/dl) and cholesterol group (3.382 mg/dl). Conclusion: On the basis of the above observations, it is possible to say that pigment gallstone patients have high serum bilirubin, calcium and phosphate levels and the type of gallstone doesn’t depend on age, sex, BMI status and OCP usage.




How to Cite

Ramaswami B, Nataraj Kumar, Rakesh Shaganti, & A.Anusha. (2022). Comparative study of serum cholesterol, bilirubin, calcium and phosphorous in different types of gallstones, age and sex. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research, 5(3), 548–552. Retrieved from