Variable presentations of Vitamin B12 deficiency in Eastern India: A Case Series


  • Somnath Maitra Associate Professor, General Medicine, Jagannath Gupta Institute of Medical Sciences And Hospital (JIMSH), Budge Budge, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
  • Kaushik Hazra Assistant Professor, General Medicine, Jagannath Gupta Institute of Medical Sciences And Hospital (JIMSH), Budge Budge, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
  • Sekhar Chakraborty Assistant Professor, General Surgery, Jagannath Gupta Institute of Medical Sciences And Hospital (JIMSH), Budge Budge, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
  • Biswaroop Mukherjee Associate Professor, General Medicine, Jagannath Gupta Institute of Medical Sciences And Hospital (JIMSH), Budge Budge, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
  • Sunetra Roy Senior Resident, Paediatrics, Jagannath Gupta Institute of Medical Sciences And Hospital (JIMSH), Budge Budge, Kolkata, West Bengal, India


VitaminB12 deficiency, Acral hyperpigmentation, reversible


Vitamin B12 deficiency causes anemia with other hematological, neurological and systemic manifestations. Skin manifestations may also occur due to dietary deficiency in vegeterians. Acral hyperpigmentation occurring in distal parts of upper and lower limbs must be differentiated from Addison’s disease and vascular occlusion. The cases presented here showed acral hyperpigmentation( Case 1 and 3) which reversed following vitamin B12 therapy and the patient recovered. Case 2 showed anemia and symptoms reversing after vitamin B12 replacement. Leukopenia also reversed in case 3 following therapy.The importance of the case series lies in the fact that vitamin B12 deficiency may present not only with anemia and neurological manifestations, but also as acralhyperpigmentation which reverses following treatment.




How to Cite

Somnath Maitra, Kaushik Hazra, Sekhar Chakraborty, Biswaroop Mukherjee, & Sunetra Roy. (2022). Variable presentations of Vitamin B12 deficiency in Eastern India: A Case Series. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research, 5(1), 548–551. Retrieved from